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Hospital Credentialing Courses for the Linen Supply and Management Services Industry

  • Define patient rights that are assured by regulation and accreditation.

  • Define patient responsibilities within the context of their health care.

  • Understand the scope of HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations.
    Understand individual responsibilities for compliance with HIPAA and HITECH rules.

Patient Rights, Confidentiality, and HIPAA


  • Describe potential fire hazards and how they can be avoided or minimized.

  • Describe what to do in the event of a fire

  • Determine the correct fire extinguisher for each type of fire.

  • Describe the common elements of an emergency action plan.




  • Describe why National Patient Safety Goals were established and how they are prioritized.

  • List patient identifiers appropriate for use within each health care setting.

  • Describe the single most effective intervention to decrease healthcare-associated infections.

  • Discuss processes required to prevent surgical errors.

National Patient Safety Goals


  • Requirements for surgical attire and drape.

  • The principles of asepsis and surgical technique.

  • Operating Room infection prevention.

  • Caring for an operative incision.

  • Hazards of the operating room and how they can be minimized.

Operating Room Protocols


  • Discuss OSHA responsibility in relation to the Federal Regulation for exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

  • Describe occupational exposure to blood and relative risk for acquiring HIV, HBV, or HCV.

  • List components of an exposure control plan.

  • Describe required steps following an occupational exposure of hepatitis B pathogen.

Bloodborne Pathogens


  • Describe the most common causes of electrical injury.

  • Define electrical shock, electrical arc flash, and electrical arc blast.

  • Identify procedures that promote electrical safety.




  • Recognize a general interdependence of ethics, law, and policy.

  • Describe the role of a code of conduct within an organization’s overall compliance program.

  • List the seven elements of an effective compliance program and the highest risk areas in the health care industry.

Advamed Code of Conduct


  • State the mission of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).

  • Describe medical device reporting requirements for manufacturers, distributors, and user facilities.

  • Identify medical devices that require tracking through the distribution channel.

Medical Device Reporting


  • Discuss the impact of healthcare-associated infections on lives and costs.

  • State the goals of an infection prevention and control program.

  • Describe specific tasks to minimize or eliminate the risk of infection in health care settings.

  • Describe transmission-based precautions to prevent infection in health-care workers and patients.

Infection Control and Aseptic Practices


  • Describe the key components of the Sunshine Act, including reporting requirements, covered entities, and penalties.

  • Define key terms related to the Sunshine Act.

  • List nature and type of value transfers to physicians which require reporting.

  • Be familiar with potential penalties for non-compliance.

The Sunshine



  • Describe the concept of informed consent including medical and legal definitions.

  • Discuss the history and background of informed consent.

  • List two case examples of litigation regarding informed consent.

  • Describe the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services conditions of participation related to informed consent.




  • Describe the electromagnetic spectrum, including both non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
    Identify medical applications for non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.

  • Differentiate between the risks of exposure to non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.

  • Discuss precautions required when visiting patients who have received radioisotope therapy.




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