The Learn-WiseGo production build set for Tuesday, May 7th will include the following:
New Features:
Scheduled Notification Function: The worker role for scheduled notifications has been rewritten using Azure Functions and deployed in the Azure Cloud Function App, enhancing efficiency and scalability.
Optimizations to Save SCORM Data Method:
We've streamlined our backend by enhancing POST request tracking, adopting asynchronous methods for faster processing, optimizing LINQ queries to lower the database load, and restructuring Save SCORM methods for better maintainability. Additionally, we introduced logging for troubleshooting failed SCORM saves.
Overdue Notification Configuration in Learning Plans (LPs):Â
Administrators can enable or disable overdue notifications for in-progress LPs, and changes are saved accordingly.
Bug Fixes:
System 500 Error During Trainings: We have resolved an issue where users encountered a 'System 500' error while taking trainings. The fix involved optimizing the SCORM interaction and removing redundant operations within the 'Save SCORM Data' function.
Missing Reminder for Zoom Email Notifications:Â The issue where reminders for zoom emails were not being sent has now been fixed.
File Location Visibility:Â We have corrected a problem where selecting 'Location' on right-click did not display any information. Now, it will show the file usage within specific training modules.
Scheduled Notification Settings:Â An issue with saving newly configured 'Occurrences'-based notifications has been successfully resolved.