September is the last month of summer but that doesn’t mean that things stop heating up for Learn-Wise. We have a new build that will be released in early October.
Here are some highlights that we can all look forward to:
More supported browsers

Increased video uploading size (150 MB) AND increased image uploading size (20 MB)
Videos will have an increased size of 150 MB for uploading compared to the past limit of 50 MB. Hooray 🙂

Images will have an increased size of 20 MB for uploading compared to the past limit of 1 MB

Retaining answers to questions from last incomplete attempt
As a User, if you have to stop a training module in the middle of your session, you won’t have to re-answer the same questions again the next time you log on. Learn-Wise will retain your answers from the last incomplete attempt so you can start where you left off.
Assignment box on home page accommodates longer Training Module names
The Assignment box on the home page only showed the first 25 characters or so of the Training Module title. The update will allow longer names to be shown in the Assignment box on the User’s home page.
“Last Update” column removed in Credentialing
The “Last Update” column in the Credentialing tab displays the date that the Credentialing Course was last updated. However, this column has sometimes been interpreted as the date the User last accessed this Credentialing course. This column will be removed altogether in an effort to remove the confusion. (Thank you, Diane and the Maquet team for bringing this to our attention!)

Upgrading Credentialing course format
The Credentialing course format will be upgraded to be more interactive with voice-over and questions throughout the course.

Example Updated Slide from the OR Protocols Credentialing Course
Self-registration updated for International Users
The Learn-Wise self-registration process requires all Users to input a U.S. State. To accommodate our international users, a new drop down menu will ask the User for their country and it will load states based on the selected country.
Lesson Plan
*TEASER ALERT* This is just a brief preview of this new feature. Our September 26th post will be dedicated to this much anticipated new feature. Stay tuned for information on all the bells and whistles of the Lesson Plan.
The Lesson Plan is a new added feature to the LMS section of Learn-Wise. As an Admin, you will be able to group Training Modules into a Lesson Plan.

You can set all the Lesson Plans in sequential order, allowing the Trainee to complete each Training Module in a specific order. (For example, if you have Training Modules 1, 2, and 3, the Trainee will be required to pass Training Module 1 before moving onto Training Module 2 and complete Training Module 2 before moving onto Training Module 3.)

ASSIGNMENT PAGE SEQUENTIAL (User unable to begin Training Module 2 because Training Module 1 is not completed)
You can also set the Training Modules in non-sequential order, allowing the Trainee to access any Training Module in any order they want.

ASSIGNMENT PAGE SEQUENTIAL (User able to access all Training Modules)
The September 26th post will be all about the Lesson Plan where more information and screenshots will be provided!
We want to improve Learn-Wise for the people who use it most — you. These updates are based upon your feedback and requests.
We have an annual Learn-Wise Users’ Conference that provides a great opportunity for you to come and advocate ideas like these. The upcoming conference will be held here in San Diego on Thursday, March 19. Although it is still several months away, it’s never too early for you to start planning a trip to San Diego!

Follow this link for more information about the event.
We will keep you updated with more details in the near future. Magnifi Group looks forward to seeing you in March.
Please contact your designated Account Manager/Coordinator with any questions or clarifications regarding your suggestions for improvements to Learn-Wise.
Stay tuned for the next post in 2 weeks on September 26, to learn all about the new Learn-Wise feature, the Lesson Plan.
Visit for more information