Learn-WiseGo has two new reports available to the admins. The Login Sub report will now show the user's device and browser they logged in from. In addition, a Report Test details by Question.
Login Sub-report by Device:
When an admin loads the login report, they will find each user's sub-reports through the number of times they have logged into the platform.

Once the sub-report is open, the admin will be able to filter by the device and browser that the user used to login to the Learn-WiseGo platform.

This will show if a user has accessed the platform via mobile device or desktop.
Training Module Responses Subreport :
The objective of this report is to show the number of users who have answered correctly/incorrectly a question within a Training Module so the admin can identify easily what are the problem areas in the training for their users.

The column for responses has clickable numbers that take the admin to a sub report where a list of users and their answers for each question.

Now admins are able to see the responses of all users by the question.
This will help the admin when reviewing the questions associated with a training or lesson plan. Admin can easily see if a question should be reworded if users are not understanding. Alternatively, this is a great way to see if training should be enhanced in a particular lesson plan, if users are not scoring correctly.
Ask your Learn-WiseGo account manager for different tips on how to use the reports to enhance your training objectives.