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Users’ Conference in San Diego Recap

On behalf of the Learn-Wise Team, we’d like to thank everybody who attended our Learn-Wise Users’ Conference in San Diego last month. It was so great spending a day with all of you and putting a face to a name.

The group’s enthusiasm and participation made this event so enjoyable. (The view from our conference room didn’t hurt either.)


The Learn-Wise Team presented:

  1. New & Improved Over the Past Year

  2. Tips & Tricks

  3. Client Resources

  4. Upcoming Features

  5. The New Architecture

  6. And much more!

Our attendees had time to network with one another, discuss best practices, and share their Learn-Wise wish list!

We have the full recap, along with the presentations, feature requests timeline, and attendees contact info, on our Conference Website. If you attended the conference, log in with the credentials that Lauren or Cate emailed you to access this information. If you were not able to attend the conference and would like to access the materials, please email us for a username and password. We are also happy to set up a call to go over what you missed.


Coming up next month is the European Learn-Wise Users’ Conference! Thursday, May 7 at the Mama Shelter Hotel in Paris, France.


Contact Kristin at for more information about this conference.

Visit for more information


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