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2019 Learn-Wise Users’ Conference Recap

The Annual Learn-Wise Users’ Conference is a unique experience where attendees had the opportunity to learn more about Learn-WiseGo. Presentations included: Tips and Tricks for Mastering your LMS, Latest’s Enhancements and Integrations, Instructional Design Tips and more.

This year, we had a great meeting with a very interactive group. Those in attendance were able to network with fellow industry professionals, provide valuable user feedback, and got a first look at all the new features coming in 2019!

During the Users’ Round Table, the heterogenous group of 14 companies from 4 different industries, provided Magnifi Group with 20 new enhancement ideas that will help make the Learn-WiseGo platform specific to each company’s needs. With companies from the Medical Device, Food Safety, Cannabis, and Student Youth Travel Industries in attendance, we were able to gain a larger insight to the spectrum of usage. This feedback will allow us to proceed with developmental enhancements that will make the system unique and specific to our client’s needs.

We want to give a warm thank you to Laura Brown (DJO) who gave a very informative presentation on tips and tricks for instructional design! Thank you to Paige Otto (LIMA USA) who spoke on their integration with external video provider – Med World Live and to Brent Cash (Kushco Holdings) who shared some enlightenment on their SSO integration.

If you weren’t able to attend but would like to get more information regarding the conference, contact your Learn-WiseGo Account Manager!


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